See Also

Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus (2021-present)

As I spent more time in the Junior Classical League, I sought a way to learn more about the field of Classics in general. A chance connection with Dr. Kelly Nguyen led to me learning about the Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus (or, the AAACC). In August 2021, I helped run and moderate an event with the AAACC: APIDA in Classics. Since then, I have organized and run several high school group events for Asian students studying the Classics.

Life in Quarantine (2020)

My work on Covid9Teen (below) eventually led to me collaborating with Life in Quarantine, a Stanford University project hoping to create a similar lived record of the pandemic.

Covid9Teen (2020)

I began Covid9Teen at the end of March, when it became clear that lockdown was not going to just be a few weeks. I wanted to create a space to record what teens across the world were experiencing during the pandemic.

JCLSource (2018-present)

I've been an active member of the JCL (Junior Classical League) since middle school, and in the spring of 7th grade I began JCLSource as a way to share study resources and make them more accessible to new members.

Quessts (2016-2017)

The summer after 5th grade, I decided I wanted to create a website. I had no knowledge of web development and I didn't even have a computer. But I got my school laptop early for a summer course and found a book on HTML in the school library. By the beginning of school, I had a website--Quessts, a social media site particularly focused on the sports that my peers were participating in. In hindsight, it was a really bad website (as were many of my early projects), but I learned a lot from failing.