December 2021

Reading in Review

I've now been keeping a reading log for about a year, which means that I can look back at what books I read.

This year, I read 28 books. (This total feels somewhat small to me, but this only counts books read entirely for fun—I'm not including books I read for school or research, such as on Esperanto at the beginning of the year.)

I added 1 book to my all-time most influential list—Albert Hirschman's The Rhetoric of Reaction.

The data also provide interesting takeaways. I usually consider myself more of a non-fiction reader, but I read 17 fictional books, roughly 61% of my total. Of those, 13 were sci-fi books and 2 more were fantasy. Of particular notice is my sci-fi streak that lasted from March until June, broken up only by Masquerade, The Picture of Dorian Gray, and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (a reread). Due to the preponderance of sci-fi and fantasy books, I believe the theme for the year can best be described as "Escape from Quarantine."